Просто Алина
03.03.2013 в 13:40
Пишет шерстяная грудь Тернера:Я рыдаю просто. Смех слезы и фейспалм
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03.03.2013 в 11:14
какие-то фанатки устроили, блин, публичный каминаут на конвенции))))
я пожалела своих пч)) под катом фотки щщей Дина
"sorry for the bad quality -these were the best I could do
He was just scrolling through his name tag.
It was definitely fili/kili but Im not sure what exactly was going on in the pic (my guestimation is it was kili giving head to fili) and I have no idea who its by.
Really sorry about that" Тут куча рассуждений об этой ситуации
Чота мне прям самой стремно стало) Впрочем, его же предупредили - не ходи и не смотри!)))
"It wasnt me who showed him the tumblr. A group of my friends and I all went to armageddon, and another one of my friends (i wont name her) said, ‘just make sure you never look on tumblr’. I suppose he took that as a challenge, and on his phone, despite us telling him not to do it, looked on the tag of his name.
Yes, I completely agree with you. I really feel awful for people who are paired, in quite intimate, awkward positions or rude positions, with people who are most likely good friends and coworkers. It is not fair on them, but it does exist. If I could have, I would have taken his phone away from him, because he really never needed to see that.
I am a slash fan (I ship destiel), but I do not ship any durincest of any kind. I respect that other people do, and feel the need to create their own fan art about it. I dont like RPF of any kind, and I really feel quite sorry for those talented people who are written about".
URL комментарияя пожалела своих пч)) под катом фотки щщей Дина
"sorry for the bad quality -these were the best I could do
He was just scrolling through his name tag.
It was definitely fili/kili but Im not sure what exactly was going on in the pic (my guestimation is it was kili giving head to fili) and I have no idea who its by.
Really sorry about that" Тут куча рассуждений об этой ситуации
Чота мне прям самой стремно стало) Впрочем, его же предупредили - не ходи и не смотри!)))
"It wasnt me who showed him the tumblr. A group of my friends and I all went to armageddon, and another one of my friends (i wont name her) said, ‘just make sure you never look on tumblr’. I suppose he took that as a challenge, and on his phone, despite us telling him not to do it, looked on the tag of his name.
Yes, I completely agree with you. I really feel awful for people who are paired, in quite intimate, awkward positions or rude positions, with people who are most likely good friends and coworkers. It is not fair on them, but it does exist. If I could have, I would have taken his phone away from him, because he really never needed to see that.
I am a slash fan (I ship destiel), but I do not ship any durincest of any kind. I respect that other people do, and feel the need to create their own fan art about it. I dont like RPF of any kind, and I really feel quite sorry for those talented people who are written about".
Слэш - давно не тайна для актеров, и они частенько пользуются этим в целях троллинга и пиара
а про это поподробнее, пжлст
Мама жгет! наш человек!
Ну все-таки для далекой от всех этих звездных заморочек после Хббт был его первый раз знакомства с этим всем
Про СПН - это серия 4х18, где Винчестеры узнают, что про них написали книгу, а у книги есть фанаты=) Вот и полезли читать. И наткнулись на слэшеров
А МакЭвоя в каком-то интервью спросили, какой вопрос он задал бы себе сам. Ну он и задал - "сколько раз у вас был секс с Майклом Фассбендером?" Его спросили, каков же ответ. "Четыре", - ответил он. А в другом интервью, когда речь зашла о химии между ним и Фассбендером - типа, в чём секрет, - Макэвой сказал, что если заниматься сексом каждое утро, химия по-любому появится
МакЭвой шалун))))